The Editor have been invited to speak at the annual "International CBRNe Workshop" organized by the University of Rome Tor Vergata (International CBRNe Masters Program).

The Editor (as member of the IMPRESS consortium) will lecture on the PSC Europe Forum Conference (23-24 Nov 2016) and the Joint Workshop by CONCORD and IMPRESS EU Projects (Nov 22, 2016) to be held in Athens, Greece.

The Editor will participate (as CBRN consultant) at the Live Demo/Drill of EU EDEN Project organized from the Gemelli Policlinico, Rome.

The Editor was invited to present at the Horizon 2020 Project TOXI-triage organizing a workshop/master class (Sept 12, 2016; Helsinki, Finland) on integrating technology innovation into SoPs and Operational Specifications for CBRN Crises Management. Topic: "Me, the Medical First Responder".

The Editor will be visiting Gemelli Policlinico (preparation for the Sept 2016 live drill), International CBRNE Institute (organizational issues) and Abu Dhabi, UAE (delivering CBRNE-related classes).

The Editor officialized his involvement as the NEW Manager of the CBRN Knowledge Center at the International CBRNE Insitute in Belgium.

The Editor participated (as CBRNe consultant for the Gemelli Policlinico, Rome) at the "Integration Workshop" organized by the EU EDEN Project at Gemelli Policlinico.

The Editor delivered 5 classes at the International CBRNe Masters Program at University of Rome Tor Vergata (CBRNe medical preparedness for Olympic Games)

The Editor delivered 9 classes on CBRNE threats management and preparedness for the RSF Hellas Volunteer Rescue & Telecommunications Team, in Athen, Greece.

The Editor as meber of the KEMEA participated in the End-Users Workshop of the EU SECINCORE Project ((Secure Dynamic Cloud for Information, Communication and Resource Interoperability based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory) organized by the Lancaster University, UK.

The Editor participated (with 5 lectures) at the annual WMD6000 Course organized by the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center at Souda Bay, Crete Island, Greece.

Editor will conduct the second series of lectures at University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - International CBRNe Master Courses.

Editor will lecture at 2015 CBRNe Symposiet in Oslo, Norway. Topic: "CBRNe Mapping - Is the threat real? During that time he will deliver two additional lectures at Oslo Medical School and Oslo University Hospital, Uevall.

Editor has been invited to give the annual lecture on CBRNE issues for the MSc program “Crisis Management, Mass Destruction and Emergency Situations” of University of Athens, Medical School (moderator: Prof George Saroglou, MD).

Editor has been invited as key speaker at the 41st ICMM World Military Medicine Conference to be held at Bali, Indonesia.
Topics: (1) CBRN Forensics; and (2) Are miitary hospitals prepared to deals with mass CBRNE casualties?

Editor will address radiological threats' related issues at the "EU IMAGES [JRODOS] Project Workshop for First Responders & Scrap Industry" organized by the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety of National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" in Athens, Greece.

Co-Editor Dr.Steve Photiou will address issues related to hospitals' preparedness in management of major crisis at the 2-days Intensive Workshop "Hospitals in Big Crises - Are we Ready?", co-organized by Athens Medical School and Naval Hospital of Athens (workshop's venue).

Co-Editor Dr. Steve Photiou lectured on "Emergency Preparedness and Drug Stockpile in case of CBRN Attack" at the "CBRNE Summit" (25-27 Feb, 2015) held in Rome, Italy.

Editor participated as invited end-user CBRNE expert (KEMEA) at the "EU PROACTIVE Workshop" held in Milano, Italy and organized by Consortzio MIlano Richerche and Univerity of Milano Bicocca.

Editor will conduct the first series of lectures at University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - International CBRNe Master Courses.

08-12 December 2014
Editor invited to deliver CBRN-related lectures at the "WMD 6000 Course" organized by the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center (NMIOTC), Chania, Greece.

Editor invited as end-user CBRNE expert (KEMEA) at the EU POP ALERT Workshop held in Brussels, BE.

Editor participated as lecturer on CBRN hospital preparedness at the 1st International Conference of Military Medicine "Contemporary Problems of Military Medicine" organized by the Armenian Ministry of Defense and the Armenian Military Doctors Association in Yerevan.

CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter signed a MoU with University of Rome, "Tor Vergata" to provide media support and CBRNE experts for the International CBRNe Master Degree programs delivered by the Italian University (OPCW and NATO supported).
07-12 July 2014
Editor addressed "CBRNE/Terrorism Intelligence" issues (5 hrs) at the 2014 Executive Training Program on “National Security and Intelligence in the Mediterranean Region" organized by the Research Institute of European-American Studies (RIEAS) and the Potomac International Center for Terrorism Studies of Potomac Institute of Police Studies (USA), in Athens, Greece (07 – 10 July 2014).
Editor was honored by RIEAS with the 2014 "Minas Ioannis Nomikos" Award for Security Research Excellence.

Editor started his collborarion as "Research Associate" with the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Athens, Greece
9-13 June 2014
Editor has been invited to deliver two CBRN-related lectures at the NATO School Oberammergau, Germany.
2-6 June 2014
Editor will deliver two CBRN-related lectures and a case-study at the "WMD 6000 Course" organized by the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center (NMIOTC), Chania, Greece.

Editor will deliver a one-day "CBRN Update Course" at the Joint CBRN Defense Platoon of Hellenic National Defense General Saff (Athens, Greece)
25-29 April 2014
Co-Editor Dr Steve Photiou, MD will chair the Pre-conference Disaster Medicine Workshop on "Chemical and Biological Weapons" at the 3rd Global Networkon Emergency Medicine Conference to be held in Dubai, UAE.
31 March, 2014
Editor will address issues of "CBRNE preparedness" at the International Conferences on Security Challenges that will be held at Abu Dhabi International Exhibition Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE (March 31, 2014)
16-20 March 2014
Editor will deliver a course on "Disasters and Emergencies Management" for Abu Dhabi Police Supervisors at Al Raha beach Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE
3 March, 2014
Editor has been invited by Directorate General of Civil Defense - Dubai, to lecture at the "4th Fire Safety Technology Forum UAE" in Abu Dhabi, UAE on "C2BRNE Threats and Resilience Strategies".
Watch this event at FST YouTube Channel
18-20 February 2014
Editor will address issues of "HAZMAT/CBRN medical consequences" at the experts' training course organized by the Qatari National Committee on Prohibition of Weapons (NCPW) in Doha, Qatar.
18-22 November 2013
Editor will participate as lecturer to the workshops organized by EUROMED Police III Project to be held in Athens, Greece under the auspices of Hellenic Police and Ministry of Interior (18-22 Nov 2013).

Editor has been invited to participate as lecturer at the October conference of TINYg held in London, UK (more details will follow).
The Terrorist Information New York Group (TINYg) is an international forum delivering free membership and information to all members. Up to the minute information from all corners of the globe is shared in order to assist organizations with combating terrorist threats. Regular meetings of TINYg are held in both London and New York and graced by a host of renowned international speakers.
23-27 September 2013
Editor has been invited to give a lecture at the 8th Brazilian Bio-Security Congress that will be held in Salvador, Brazil (23-27 Sept 2013). Topic: "Hospitals' CBRNE preparedness for mega events - The weak link in response planning" (27 Sept). Also participate as key-note speaker at:
Workshop: Defining Biosecurity Strategies for the Management of Big Events (23 Sept)
Participation of invited Latin American countries and international speakers.
As a result of the workshop it will
be prepared a document to be given to the Government as a contribution
of specialists on Biosafety and Biosecurity for the management of big
The workshop will be restricted to invited participants

Newsletter's Co-Editor Dr Steve Photiou will moderate "Disaster Medicine" pre-Congress Workshop at "7th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress" held in Marseille, France.

Editor will organize the 2013 "Hospital CBRNE Preparedness Masterclass" in London, UK (July 9th) and will also participate at the CBRNe Conference (10-11 July: Chairman - July 10 & speaker: July 11), organized by SMi Group Ltd.

The Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence (JMBI), which is sponsored by RIEAS has been launched today. JMBI is published twice a year and invites manuscripts that offer greater intellectual diversity in intelligence-related issues. The Journal aims to serve as a medium for intelligence scholars and practitioners to exchange views on all aspects of intelligence studies and influence both scholarly debates and policy- making.
The Editor of the Newsletter is a Member of the Editorial Board of JMBI.
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jmbi13.pdf Size : 2732.521 Kb Type : pdf |

Editor has been invited to participate with three (1+2) presentations at both the CSCM – WORLD CONGRESS ON CBRNe SCIENCE & CONSEQUENCE MANAGEMENT (13-19 April 2013) and Pre-Congress Workshop "Defense and Protection of Cities from CBRN Threats" (13-14 April 2013) at Dubrovnik (Cavtat), Croatia
24 March 2013
Editor of Newsletter has been appointed as Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence (JMBI) - a new publication of the Research Institute of European & American Studies (RIEAS) based in Athens, Greece. Next issue of JMBI focuses on “Media and Intelligence” and will be published in June 2013.
For more information click on: http://www.rieas.gr/images/jmbi2013.pdf

16 February 2013
Editor has been invited to give the annual lecture on CBRNE issues for the MSc program “Crisis Management, Mass Destruction and Emergency Situations” of University of Athens, Medical School (moderator: Prof George Saroglou, MD).

Editor has started a professional collaboration with an Abu Dhabi, UAE security consulting firm (Jernas Solutions). Initial series of CBRNE-related courses will be delivered to police officers of "Ports and Airports Police Department" at Abu Dhabi's International Airport camp.

Editor has been invited to lecture at the International Seminar " Evolving Support of Technology for the New Dimension of CBRNe Threat" to be held in Rome, organized by OSDIFE.

The Editorial Team of the Newsletter is becoming even stronger! We welcome new Co-Editor George Kiourktsoglou, BSc, Dipl, MSc, MBA, PhD (Cand.), Part Time Lecturer, University of Greenwich (Eng. School), London, UK. George Kiourktsoglou obtained his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in 1992 from the Aristotelian Technical University of Thessaloniki in Greece. As an intern, he worked for the Israeli Public Corporation of Electricity. Having concluded his military service he went to the U.S.A. to study Nuclear Engineering and Applied Physics at Cornell University. From the latter he graduated in 1996 with an M.Sc.. From 1996 till 2009 he worked for Royal Dutch Shell both in Greece and abroad, assuming various roles in Downstream Marketing, Strategy, Negotiations and eventually in Health, Safety, Environment and Security (H.S.S.E.). Sponsored by Shell Hellas, he graduated in 2006 from Alba in Athens with a Diploma in Management and two years later with an M.B.A. in Shipping from the same College. Currently he is doing research, as a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Greenwich. His field of interest is Maritime Security with a special focus on the “Piracy around the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa”. George is a member of the American Nuclear Society, the Chartered Management Institute and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science Technology in London. He speaks Greek, English, German, Japanese and French.
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The Editorial Team of the Newsletter would like to thank Co-Editor Nikolaos Kokkotas, MSc for his contribution to the Newsletter and wish him best in his new endeavors. At the same time, the ET would like to welcome his successor, Dr Sarafis Pavlos, Captain RN (ret'd) who is joining the team. Pavlos has a complex background ranging from nursing and public health all the way to crisis management and mass disaster emergencies. It is an honor to have him with us and we are sure that he will further boost the rising course of the Newsletter.

Editor has been invited to give a series of lectures at the Joint Intelligence School (Senior Analysts Course) of the Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff.

Editor has been invited to give a series of lectures (5 hrs) at the Athens Bomb Squad (TEEM) for the EOD personnel of this organization.
9-11 October 2012
Editor has been invited to deliver a lecture at the "Emergency Preparedness and Response 2012" Conference that will take place in Manchester, UK. The topic will be "Urban CBRNE Preparedness". More info in due time.
By Clarion Events - new date possibly mid 2013
26-27 September 2012
Editor will be among the speakers at the "CBRN in the Maritime Environment" Conference in London.
Memorandum of Cooperation
The Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies (MCIS) at the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) and the CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter
- The good and well established relations enjoyed by the two organizations in the pursuit of their respective statutory missions;
- The ongoing involvement of both the MCIS and the CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter in the field of research and studies in security and intelligence;
- The importance of studies and research into issues related to security and intelligence services of the Mediterranean Countries;
- The need for the broadest possible cooperation to promote the knowledge and spread of a common culture and internationally recognized procedures to analyze common threats;
Have agreed the following Memorandum of Cooperation
Article 1
Areas of cooperation
The Parties agree to promote cooperation in the following areas:
1. Exchange of studies and research
2. Exchange of publications
3. Exchange of visits
4. Organization of meetings, workshops, conferences

Editor has been appointed as "Senior Fellow" at "New Wedminster College", District of British Columbia, CANADA.
15 May 2012
MOU between CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter and OSDIFE (Italy)
The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defense (OSDIFE) aims to develop and disseminate knowledge of the territorial conventional and unconventional risk in order to encourage the adoption of appropriate strategies and initiatives for risks reduction, ensure citizens security and safety and safeguard the integrity of public and private assets and infrastructure.
To pursue its aims the Observatory performs the following activities:
- Realize studies, research and projects related to the CBRNe risk, the security and safety planning, the conventional risks, the unconventional risks and the environmental risks;
- Study, analyze and evaluate the adequacy, in terms of action in preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery, in relation to the various territorial risks profiles like CBRNe risk, environmental risk and critical infrastructures risk;
- Promote scientific research, initiatives and intervention in the context of the CBRNe, territorial security and environment disciplines;
- Carry out studies and risk analysis for public and private contingency operations planning;
- Promote and organize meetings with national and international institutions in order to deepen cooperation policies aimed at ensuring the internal and international protection, defense and security;
- Provide to the institutions, to the agencies and to the public and private organizations, operating in the context of CBRNE risk, territorial security and environmental safety, useful technical-scientific contributions on general overview on different risks;
- Promote and organize training courses;
- Implement any initiative aimed at achieving the Observatory goals, including alliances and partnerships with other public and private institutions and organizations;
- Carry out all activities, with scientific content,
necessary to pursuit the institutional goals
Editor has been invited to give a lecture at the 4th Annual Conference of the Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management ( ICPEM) that will take place at Kettering Conference Center, Kettering, UK.
Editor has been invited to give a lecture at the 2012 Counter Terror Expo.
Mitigating terror threats is a critical priority for civil, military and private sector stakeholders. Counter Terror Expo is the premier international event delivering buyers and specifiers from across the world within Government, Military, Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Private Sector and the Security Services. This market leading event hosts the most comprehensive showcase of technology, equipment and services designed to protect nations, borders, crowded places, national infrastructure, companies,
assets and individuals from the threat of terrorist attack. The event has been established to deliver a unique and secure environment in which a dedicated audience of security professionals and leading experts within the critically important counter-terror and crisis management arena can come together to buy products, share experience and gain knowledge. One of the fastest growing events in the UK, the 2011 event featured 400 market leading exhibitors and delivered:
- 7745 Attendees from
- 79 countries
- 7042 Visitors to the exhibition
- 637 Conference Delegates
- 66 Members of the press
- And the Editor of the CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter
02 April 2012
Editor will be the moderator/speaker in a Hospital CBRNE Defense Masterclass organized by SMI in London for major UK hospital authorities (NHS). More details can be found in the .pdf file in the right >
Dear John,
I am glad that the masterclass went well despite one or two teething problems. Most scores for both yourself and Russ Mansford were 5/5. There were only a couple of comments about the absent lecturers but the qualitative feedback was generally positive with notes such as ‘Very informative’ and ‘excellent’ penned.
Thank you for your facilitation and for the quality of your work!
Pete Andersen
Head of Content- Defence & Security
SMi Group Ltd, 2nd Floor South, Harling House 47-51 Great Suffolk Street,London, SE1 0BS
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11 March 2012
Editor organized and participated as a lecturer at the "Tactical Combat Casualty Care for Armed Ship Guards Basic Masterclass" that took place at Simuland Medical Simulation Center in Athens for Poseidon Maritime Security & Services Co. Issues covered: Piracy in the Horn of Africa, Lessons Learned from Past Conflicts, First Aid Kit for Armed Guards and Basic Principles of First Aid under Fire. A practical demonstration and hands-on training followed the theoretical part of the Masterclass. A full day hands-on training will follow in April 2012.
March 2012
Editor contributed a paper for the coming issue of International Journal of Emergency Management (IJEM) entitled "2012 Olympic Games - Terrorist CBRE threat estimate and medical response".
22-23 February 2012
Editor has been invited to give a lecture at the 2nd CBRN-E Asia-Pacific Conference that will take place in Singapore.
3 February 2012
Editor has been invited to give a lecture on "Urban CBRN Response and Preparedness - Are we Ready?" at the "Olympic Scale Planning Conference" hosted by Emergency Planning Society & DCU Business School in Dublin, Ireland.
09-10 December 2011
Editor has been invited by the Famagusta General State Hospital, Cyprus as main speaker in a two-days workshop under the auspices of Ministry of Health, entitled: Modern Threats - Allergy Diseases and CBRN Terrorism.
The workshop was a total success - Minister of Health, two Congressmen, representatives of all Cyprus' hospitals and health authorities, military authorities and many physicians and nurses honored this unique thematic combination just opposite the occupied Famagusta!
17 November 2011
Editor will participate as a speaker to the Urban Crisis Workshop organized by the Coventry University London Campus (Serious Games Institute) with the collaboration of CSARN and ARUP.

Funded through the Prime Minister’s Initiative Fund, this event will bring together leading international specialists in the fields of emergency response and management, training, simulation and gaming, and policy and government studies to set out a road map for the future of national and cross-national best

The workshop will offer an exciting opportunity for key stakeholders to drive international collaboration with the grand aim to set up an International Risk, Resilience and Response Centre (IRRRC).

Midlands Business News
British Association of Public Safety Communications Officials
City Security and Resilience Networks
Click on the picture (left) to listen Editor's complete presentation at this important workshop
November 2011
Editor published a paper (.pdf below) on "Hospital CBRN Defence" at the November's 2011 issue of Defense and
Security Alert – A monthly commitment to India’s Defense and Security.
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14 October 2011
Police Oracle, the UK policing website, hosted an article following Editor's lecture during the CSARN CBRN event held on October 7th at BT Centre in London. Title: "Better Preparation Needed" for CBRN Incidents.

Two members of the
Editorial Team of the Newsletter (Editor and Co-Editor Dr Steve Photiou [Head,
Disaster Medicine Section of EuSEM) will present at the Sixth
Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC VI) at [island of] Kos
International Congress Centre - Kos, Greece (10-14 September 2011)
Enjoy the Web-TV of the Conference created by our friend Dr Antonios Liolios, MD (AL Media Group)
August 2011
Editor published a paper at Chemical & Biological Review Summer-2011 entitled: 2004 Olympic Games - Athens: A Lesson of Interoperability.
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25-30 July 2011
Editor visited India and gave a series of lectures on CBRNE issues at Indian Ministry of Defence (N. Delhi), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA - N Delhi), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL - Mumbai) and Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS - N Delhi). It was a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss issues of common interest.

The Editor has been invited to participate at the 2-days conference organized by the EU project “Psychosocial Support for Civil Protection Forces Coping with CBRN” Group: ‘CBRN Incidents and Psychosocial Support for First Responders – improving resilience through training’ (Berlin, July 12–14 - Relaxa Hotel Stuttgarter Hof)
06 July 2011
The Editorial Group of the Newsletter welcomes Dr. Peter Tarlow, PH.D, Founder
and President of Tourism & More. Dr Tarlow is a world-renowned speaker and expert specializing in such areas as:
the impact of crime and terrorism on the tourism industry, event and tourism risk
management, and economic development. He earned his PhD in
sociology from Texas
A&M University; he also holds degrees in history, in Spanish
and Hebrew literatures, and in psychotherapy.
Since 1990, Dr. Tarlow has been teaching courses on tourism, crime &
terrorism to police forces and security and tourism professionals throughout
the world.

Editor will participate with two presentations
[one CBRNE-related and the other on “effects of terrorism on tourism”] at the 1st
International Conference on Safety and Crisis Management in the Construction,
Tourism and SMEs Sectors (1st CoSaCM) - June 24th
– 28th 2011 (EUC Cultural Center, Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus) - Under
the auspices of the Mayor of Nicosia.
2012: Proceedings (Just published)
10 June 2011
Editor was invited to contribute to the IHS Jane's new edition of "CBRN Response Handbook" by reviewing certain chapters of the coming edition.
15-21 May 2011
Estonia: EU CREMEX 2011 (acronym from: EU Chemical and Radiological Emergency Management Exercise 2011)
06 May 2011
The latest issue of Journal of Special Operations Medicine is available to download
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Winter 11 Vol 11 Ed 1.pdf Size : 6112.816 Kb Type : pdf |
28 April 2011
The Editorial Team is honoured to welcome Rear Admiral Carlos A. Tello, Chief of Staff,
Joint Intelligent and Special Operations, Peruvian Armed Forces. Admiral Tello was the key-person during the Japanese
embassy hostage crisis that began on December 17, 1996 in Lima, Peru, when
14 members of the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) took hostage
hundreds of high-level diplomats, government and military officials and business
executives who were attending a party at the official residence of Japan's
ambassador to Peru, Morihisha Aoki, in celebration of Emperor Akihito's 63rd
birthday. [Although strictly speaking the crisis took place at the Ambassadorial
residence in the upscale district of San Isidro rather than at the embassy
proper, the media and others referred to it as the "Japanese embassy"
hostage crisis, and that is how it is conventionally known.] Most of the
hostages were soon released. After being held hostage for 126 days, the
remaining dignitaries were freed on 22 April 1997, in a raid by Peruvian Armed
Forces commandos [Chavín de Huantar - led my Admiral Tello), during which one hostage, two
commandos, and all the MRTA militants died.

Jane's Nuclear, Biological Chemical Defence 2010-2011
By Andy Oppenheimer (member of the International Advisory Committee of the Newsletter)
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0710629400
- Release Date: April 15, 2011
"Jane''s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence" offers expert analysis of the NBC threat worldwide and comprehensive details on the manufacturers and their products involved in meeting that threat. It is ideal for providing country by country threat assessment and guidance on procurement of defensive equipment for personal and collective protection; detection; and, decontamination and training. Entries provide detailed specifications, together with availability status, manufacturer details and pictures or diagrams to enable comparison and appraisal.
11-12 April 2011
Editor participated as invited speaker (April 11th) to this Conference. You can also explore the full program below:
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27 March 2011
On the occasion of participating to the "CBRNResilience 2011" conference, the Editor gave an interview to the International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC) organizing the conference. Also you can hear the interview in this podcast.
18 March 2011
The Editorial Team welcomes all the members of the International Advisory Committee! The list will be concluded in the following days. Two members of the IAC are distinguish writers and we are extremely happy to have them on-board:
- Prof Anthony Tu is the author of "Chemical Terrorism: Horrors in Tokyo Subway and Matsumoto City"
where he provides inside information on the Tokyo sarin incident back
in 1985. Prof Tu was the leading scientist involved in the management of
CWA release in the capital of Japan.
- Andy Oppenheimer is the author of "IRA: The Bombs and the Bullets, A History of Deadly
Ingenuity" where he gives an insight of IRA during the years it its activity.
17 March 2011
A new member joined the Editorial Team of the Newsletter. Assistant Editor, Hellenic Navy Captain (ret) Panagiotis
Stavrakakis, MEng, MBA, MSc is an experienced CBRN Officer with substantial background on
tactical, operational and strategic, sea and land CBRN Defense Operations. Also,
he is a motivated professional on Civil Protection issues, a seasoned marine
engineer professional with a proven track of successful long sea and technical
experience and a determined researcher with an unrivalled thirst for knowledge.
01 March 2011
Athens International Radio - AIR 104,4 FM: Interview with the Editor
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Athens 104_4 FM - Interview 01_Mar_2011.pdf Size : 27.36 Kb Type : pdf |
Crisis Response Journal is the international publication focusing on response, resilience, continuity and security issues arising from large scale natural and man-made disasters, emergencies and terrorist attacks. Read the article of Andy Oppenheimer (member of International Advisory Committee) on "Multi-agency readiness for CBRN" (pp. 52-53)
January 2011
Co-Editor Steve Photiou, MD has been elected as Chair of the Disaster Medicine section of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM) - effective: March 2011. Dr Photiou will be the President and organizer of the Disaster Medicine Track of the Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (Greece, Island of Kos, 10-14 Sept 2011)