Interesting products and news from CBRNE/counter-terrorism [CT] industry
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CBRNE Industry
Hood" is a new concept in victim support and potential victim
protection as a pocket
size respirator or escape hood costing less
than £15. The Hazmat hood can be used by the public and legally issued
by duty holders to escape terrorist CBRN attack, or toxic industrial
accident including explosion or smoke. Carried or issued at work
or home, for use on trains, airports,shopping centres or work, in fact
anywhere or time you may need to move safely, from a toxic atmosphere
to a safe environment.
The RadSeeker is a handheld, portable, rugged
and highly accurate radioisotope detector and identifier. The RadSeeker was
specifically designed to meet the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mission
requirements for a next-generation system capable of detecting and identifying
nuclear threat materials.
The RadSeeker offers superior identification capabilities that are based on
Symetrica’s Discovery Technology. This technology couples advanced spectrum
processing and identification algorithms with a choice of highly sensitive 1.5”
x 1.5” Lanthanum Bromide (LaBr3) or 2” x 2” Sodium Iodide (NaI) detectors
resulting in superior accuracy which is unique and exclusive to Smiths
Detection. This sophisticated detector system is capable of resolving
complex masking scenarios and exceeds all ANSI N42.34 (2006) requirements for
the identification of bare, shielded and multiple isotopes.
The RadSeeker is easy to use while supplying the operator with quick, simple,
specific information for threat assessment. Applications include Customs
inspection, border protection, emergency response, and radiological
facilities/personnel monitoring.
BIO-PROTECT AM500®(Anti-Microbial 500) is a new and unique water-based
concentrate that protects virtually all solid surfaces and fabrics from a
broad array of disease causing microorganisms, including Staphylococcus
(MRSA), C-diff and Influenza A virus (including H1N1). BIO-PROTECT AM500® reduces existing microbe populations by up to 99.99% on contact, for 90 days or more.
Fibertect® is a
three layer, inert, flexible, drapable, nonwoven composite substrate for
absorbing and adsorbing chemical warfare agents (CWA), toxic industrial
chemicals (TICs), and pesticides. Fibertect is self-contained and packaged for
easy use, storage, and transport. Materials used in the outside layers may vary
to provide both absorption and adsorption properties and multiple functional
Fibertect Highlights
- Wipe Away Bulk Chemicals
- Effective Dry Decon of:
- Persons
- Weapons
- Sensitive Equipment
- Fabric Retains Toxic Vapor
- Absorbs and Adsorbs Toxic Materials
- Activated Carbon Nonwoven Fabric
- Devoid of Loose Particles
- Indefinite Shelf Life
Three Layer Design
The three layers of material consist of a top and bottom fabric with a center layer of fibrous activated carbon that is needle punched into a composite fabric. The top and bottom layers provide structural coherence, improving mechanical strength and abrasion resistance. Fibertect® is non-particulate and is devoid of loose particles and is effective in decontaminating personnel and sensitive parts of military equipment.
Dry Decon Kits
Fibertect can be packaged into personal decontamination kits and used in conjunction with Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) to provide more effective decontamination.
(1) Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) - 1 single use 42ml packet
(2) Fibertect 6" x 12" Pad/Wipe [Item ID: FBT-PAD-6X12]
Trelleborg Protective Products is one of the world’s leading producers of protective clothing and related products. Through
world renowned brand names like Trellchem®, Viking and TrellTent®,
Trelleborg Protective Products develops and manufactures chemical
protective suits, dry diving suits, inflatable shelters and a wide range
of related products.
When it comes to user safety, AirBoss‑Defense delivers The Ultimate Protection.
With renowned ergonomics and comfort, and surpassing NATO requirements,
AirBoss‑Defense’s CBRN products are especially designed to perfectly
integrate with CBRN suits and other military equipment and components.
In addition to a proven protection against CBRN threats,
AirBoss‑Defense’s hand wear and footwear have also been proven to be
effective against a wide range of Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC’s).
AirBoss‑Defense is currently the supplier of choice of CBRN hand and footwear to the US Joint Services and Canadian Armed Forces.
DeconGel® is a proven, tough, professional,
military-grade, safe to use and handle, water soluble, and environmentally
friendly product for extreme, hard-to-clean contamination remediation challenges
for any industry. If you can only take one product with you - this is it. It is
exceptionally effective against radioactive isotopes but has the strength to
pull off any job – from radioactive isotopes for nuclear plant decommissioning
and nuclear medicine spills, to toxic industrial chemicals and materials such
as mercury, PCB, acids, lead, asbestos, and methamphetamines. DeconGel ® is
effective, has outstanding efficacy, and can save time and money through
reduced labor, waste disposal needs and EPA reporting requirements. DeconGel®
is used in the US, Canada, UK, and other locations to remove
radioactive materials and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC). DeconGel® customers
are repeat buyers with proven superior decontamination effectiveness at a diverse
array of properties and businesses such as:
- Military Weapons and Department of Energy and Decommissioning and Decontamination (D&D) sites
- Military and commercial nuclear power plants and nuclear powered ships
- Nuclear medicine and research laboratory environments using radioisotopes and hazardous chemicals and substances
- Hazardous chemical clean-up in any environment
- DeconGel® is a safe and environmentally friendly hydrogel with a near neutral pH and is available through our distributors or query us directly.
OUVRY is a Company, based in Lyon - France, which specialises in the
study, research, development and manufacturing of CBRN (Chemical,
Biological, Radiological & Nuclear) personal protective equipment
(PPE) and related concepts.
OUVRY can offer concepts across the full spectrum of CBRN protection:
ranging from impermeable solutions (utilising impermeable or
semi-permeable barrier materials and technologies) through to wholly air
permeable solutions (utilising textile based activated carbon
filtration media and technologies). We are particularly expert in the
field of air permeable solutions. These solutions allow air exchange and
water vapour transfer, thus allowing sweat evaporation and evacuation.
They consequently drastically increase the operational capability of the
end users without limitations of impermeable concepts and avoid heat
stress problems.
Our engineering team is exceptionally well qualified and highly experienced in the fields of textiles, materials selection, CBRN threat spectrum, chemistry, and physiological factors. We are extremely conversant with the operational needs of our customers and all CBRN PPE Users generally. This deep knowledge based and hands-on background enables us to propose innovative solutions which benefit fully from the results of our extensive ongoing R&D activities. We develop our own protective systems design for military, law enforcement, civil defence and First Responder (fire-fighter, ambulance etc) customers. We guarantee not only the effectiveness of each system component but also whole system effectiveness.
We can provide the best solutions to any request, drawing upon our excellent response capability (high production capacities, industrial risks management, etc) all stemming from our industrial partnerships network and a unique licence for SARATOGA® filtering materials. OUVRY controls the entire supply chain: feasibility, development, manufacturing, quality control, logistic and after-sales service.

Faced with increasingly sophisticated chemical threats and global drug trafficking, Progeny ResQ enables users to detect, identify and respond to these threats with confidence at the touch of a button:
- Detect explosive threats quickly and accurately while wearing M3-type protective suits in harsh environments
- Identify a wide range of narcotics and illegal drugs removing any uncertainty over results
- Respond to suspicious hazardous materials that pose a toxic risk to public safety
One of the most revolutionary products in the Avon Protection Systems
range is the CE approved EH20 CBRN Emergency Hood.
The hood:
- Provides CBRN
respiratory, eye and face protection for up to 20 minutes
- Takes just 30 seconds to deploy
- Requires minimal training
- Is stored in an impermeable foil bag inside a durable reinforced pouch
- Can be worn on a utility belt
- Has a ten year shelf life
The FM50 is part of the latest generation of Avon CBRN full face mask, specifically designed to meet the latest NATO forces military mask requirements.
It has been developed to counter the multiple CBRN threats encountered in modern war fare, anti-terrorist and peace-keeping operations.
The twin
filter conformal system sits close against the face, providing the wearer with
high protection and very low breathing resistance. Twin filters also make
it a much more comfortable mask
to wear and also allows greater ease of weapon
Outstanding vision is provided with the introduction of Avon Protection's new wide panoramic flexible visor which is the result of our new bonding technology that incorporates both visual clarity and integral durability.
Force1Decon designs and manufactures products specifically
for the Tactical Decon CBRNE response environment. Products are developed by "Operators for Operators" and provide a rapid, effective and versatile tactical decon capability to all types of operational forces globally. The rapid deployment and modularity of a F1D system not only reduces the overall footprint of the decon process, but also mitigates the risk of rapidly spreading contamination by quickening access time and shortening the decon process time. Additionally, the highly mobile nature of a F1D system allows quick access to areas that might be otherwise inaccessible by larger decon systems and equipment.
Force1Decon has systems that you do not find in other CBRN defence companies - i.e. F1D NPE OpsLite (shown in the photo).
XYTEX 500™ is a new shelter fabric developed to inhibit the most resilient bacteria and microorganisms including mold, mildew and fungus. Inside the shelter fabric a microscopic bed of nano size spikes lie in wait to puncture the cell walls of invading microbes, killing them as they come to rest on the shelter’s surface. XYTEX 500’s™ technology is the most effective way to kill bacteria and give DRASH users lasting protection.
• Independent studies show it significantly impedes the growth of gram- positive gram-negative bacteria, algae, yeast and fungi, and black mold.*
• Fabric’s anti-microbial properties are permanent and do not fade over time.
• Revolutionary technology is EPA registered.
• Anti-microbial properties leave no visible trace on fabric, giving shelter covers the same look and feel as other non-antimicrobial covers.
• Embedded on shelter liner during manufacturing process.
• Permanent for life of fabric.
1. Microbes land on shelter’s surface.
2. Microbe’s cell walls are ruptured by antimicrobial spikes that kill it.
3. Surface remains ready for next microbe.
To create a total system solution one should spray
protect BioProtect 500® on the contents inside their shelter, which uses the
same advanced formula as XYTEX 500™ to defend against microbes. This coating
inhibits microbes from growing on the treated surfaces. BioProtect 500® uses a
unique, EPA registered technology that remains bound to the substrate and will
not leach or deplete as other after-market antimicrobials often do.
Since 1947, ILC has been active in the design and development of
products for both government and industry. Most ILC products are
comprised of soft-goods materials — products that are flexible by nature
and result in innovative solutions to customer problems.
Nested in the middle of Delaware's Kent County, we occupy 260,000
square feet of office, development and manufacturing space. Our facility
consists of six buildings on 39 acres of land — wholly owned by ILC.
Whether protecting personnel in hostile environments, containing potent powder pharmaceuticals, or developing unique inflatable devices, ILC's record of performance is enviable. By drawing from a blend of highly qualified personnel and a sound base of both proven and innovative technologies (the same attributes that helped us put man on the moon and rovers on Mars), ILC Dover continues to develop reliable hardware and unique soft-goods.
Our Department of Defense, commercial, and NASA customers rely heavily on ILC's multi-disciplined technical expertise to provide inventive solutions for a wide range of applications.
Man landed on the moon — we created the spacesuit. Researchers develop wonder drugs — we aid in safe production. Rovers explore Mars — we help them land safely. |
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Protective Systems group,
draws on an extensive history in materials technology and
chemical/biological (C/B) protection to create superior protective
products guided by one goal only -- to keep you safe from any chemical
hazard and ensure your safe return home to loved ones.
Our current product line includes the ONESuit® brand of chemical protective clothing in Level A and Level B configurations -- certified to various NFPA standards. We also develop and customize product and material solutions to match your protective requirements and applications. Saint-Gobain's strong foundation in advanced fabric technology and the conversion of these fabrics into advanced protective wear, shelters, hoods, bags, etc. gives us a unique opportunity in providing the best safety products to fire fighters, military personnel, and industrial workers around the world.
Tetracore is a biotechnology company whose mission is to create and develop highly innovative diagnostic reagents, assays, and instruments for the detection of infectious diseases and bio-terrorism threat agents. We focus on veterinary, domestic preparedness, clinical, antibody and ELISA products.
New lines:
- Tetracore® Real-Time PCR reagents and portable PCR thermocycler
- RedLine Alert™
- BioThreat Alert®
CT Industry
The Miguel Caballero [MC] bulletproof
clothing line was especially created for those who need protection in
their lives. MC innovative designs consist of a Kevlar-based material
that is integrated into the manufacturing process of our armored
product. The result is a design that offers' clients a clothing
option that can still be worn with a sense of comfort, style and added
Known as the Armani of bulletproof clothing, Miguel Caballero has created a fresh line of Italian themed clothing featuring blazers, leather jackets, coats, rain-coats, dress shirts, t-shirts, polos, vests and more. All of them are lightweight and easy to wear. But most importantly, our fabrics are durable and wearing them is the latest passive protection method in the market.
Customers can choose from low, medium and high protection levels. The low level protects from short range weaponry such as hand-guns and revolvers. The medium level protects against sub machine guns such as mini Uzis. And the high level protects against high powered assault rifles and machine guns like the MP5.
K9 Storm Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer and distributor of custom-fitted canine tactical body armor.
Veteran Police K9 Handler, Jim Slater, originally designed the vest to enable his police service dog, Olaf, to meet the demands of progressive tactical emergency response team operations and be protected. The patented design was the result of extensive research and field testing.
The idea of police K9 body armor that can be worn on all calls for service has been patented (Canada Patent # 2249186, US Patent # 6,123,049) and marketed worldwide as K9 Storm Tactical Body Armor. What began as a need for one bulletproof vest has developed into an incorporated business in 1998 whose innovation is now protecting dogs in agencies at home and abroad including the RCMP, the Canadian Coast Guard, The Rotterdam Hodenbrigade, and the Swiss Army.
K9 Storm Inc. is a registered member of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Database: V.T.C., and Industry Canada's Network of international business servicesK9 Storm Inc. supported SEAL Team VI and "Cairo" in the Osama bin Laden operation (May 1st, 2011)
Anti-terrorist street furniture with hidden strengths
Concrete Canvas
Concrete Canvas manufacture a ground breaking material technology called Concrete Cloth that allows concrete to be used in a completely new way. Concrete Cloth was originally developed for the award winning Concrete Canvas Shelters, a building in a bag that requires only water and air for construction.