Prof. Antony T. Tu (USA)
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Joseph McIsaac, MD, MS (USA)
Chief of Trauma
Anesthesia, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT I Vice President, Hartford
Anesthesiology Associates, Inc. I CEO, Mountain Laurel Biomedical, LLC I Associate
Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
I Associate Adjunct Professor of
Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut Graduate School I Senior
Member, IEEE
Peter Tarlow, PhD (USA)
Founder and President of "Tourism & More"; specialized in security & terrorism issues
Vassilios Damiras (USA)
Counter-terrorism Analyst, Chicago
Gen(ret'd) Matheos Skouras (Greece)
Former Director of Intelligence Analysis Branch, JMID, NDGS & Military Attaché in Syria
Prof. Chara Spiliopoulou (Greece)
Head, Dpt of Forensics and Toxicology, Medical School, Kapodistriakon University of Athens
Dr John M. Nomikos (Greece)
Director, Research Institute for European-American Studies (RIEAS)
Michail E. Chalaris, PhD (Greece)
Executive Secretary @ Labour Inspectorate, Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social
Athanassios Drougos (Greece)
Senior Lecturer/Analyst in areas of counter-terrorism/CBRN/NATO strategic topics
Prof George Boustras (Cyprus)
BEng(Hons), MSc, PhD, CSci, MIChemE, MIFireE at European University of Cyprus
Kolesnikova (Belgium)
Homeland Security Consultant, Rossnova Solutions
Prof Antonio Diaz (Spain)
University of Burgos, Spain
Claus-Peter Polster (Germany)
CBRN Consultant, ex OPCW Chemical Inspector
Prof Ioulian Chifu (Romania)
Director, Conflict Prevention & Early Warning, Bucharest
Rear Admiral Carlos A. Tello (Peru)
Chief of Staff, Joint Intelligent and Special Operations, Peruvian Armed Forces
Dr. Marc Kenzelmann (Switzerland)
Head, National CBRN Protection and Coordination Office
Wayne Harrop (United Kingdom)
Director, Centre for Disaster Management (ARG), Coventry
Prof. Sergey V. Mikhalovsky, CChem,
FRSC (United Kingdom)
Professor of Materials Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton
Brett Lovegrove (United Kingdom)
Director & Co-Founder of the City Security and Resilience Networks (CSARN) I former Head of Counter Terrorism, City of London Police
Andy Oppenheimer (United Kingdom)
AIExpE, Editor of Chemical, Biological & Nuclear Warfare I Former Editor of Jane's NBC Defence
Dr. Shlomo
Shpiro (Israel)
Deputy Director, Department of Political Studies, Bar Ilan University I Chairman of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA)
Mizra David
Founder & CEO International Security Academy – Israel – Group I Protection & Counter-terrorism Training Centers
Luiz Hargreaves, MD, AAS, MSc (Brazil)
Expert in Crisis Management, Disaster Planning & Response, Health Care Management & Travel Medicine
Prof Darko Trifunovic, MSL (Serbia)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies
Dominic Karunesudas (India)
Deputy Editor at Fanatic Media (InfoSecurity & InfoStore) I Co-Founder at Cyber Crime Fighters Association International (CCFAI) – New Delhi
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, M Pharm, PGDBM, PhD, FIC, FABMS (India)
Additional Director and Head, CBRN Defence, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS)
Colonel (Retd.) H R Naidu Gade (India)
Chief Consultant, "CBRNe Secure India"

Director CBRN in Headquarters Integtrated Defence Services (IDS), Ministry of Defence, India