CBRNe Secure India

Threats of use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and
Explosive (CBRNe) material by terrorists and other Non State Players loom large
on every nation in the world. There have been many instances in the past where
CBRNe materials were used to terrorise nations and people and cause immense
damage. Many countries have put in place robust mechnisms in place to deal with
these threats. India has made a modest beginning in this regard, yet there is
along way to go to be fully prepared in facing any of these challenges.
‘CBRNe Secure India‘provides consultancy services in the field of CBRNe
Security and Disaster Management to all the stake holders both with in the
Government and the corporate sector. The key areas of consultancy relate to
CBRNe Threat Assessment, Preparedness, Special Event security, Security of
critical Infrastructure, Incident response, Mitigation, Disaster Management and
Counter IED Operations.
‘CBRNe Secure India‘ Team consits of by highly professional and
competent people from the military, academic, scientific and Industrial fields,
with vast domestic and international experience in the field of CBRNe Security
and Disaster Management.
Defence Studies, M B A (HR)]
Commissioned in to the Corps of Combat Engineers in 1974. A Civil
Engineer, Management and Security Professional, with 40 yrs of rich experience
(8 years international) in the field of Combat Engineering, Chemical,
Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Defence, Security
& Disaster Management and Counter IED Operations. He has undergone Advance
Chemical Weapons and Disarmament Training in France, Germany, Italy, The
Netherlands, Russian Federation and the UK. He is also trained in Toxic Area
and Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) in the USA. He is a qualified CBRN
and C-IED Professional.
Graduate of Defence Services Staff College and Army War College,
commanded an Armoured Engineer Regiment, prior to taking up an assignment with
a United Nations Agency in 1997. Held important Command, General Staff and
Instructional appointments in the Army. As the Joint Director for CBRN Defence,
the Ministry of Defence (Army), he was responsible for evolving, planning and
executing CBRN defence measures for the Indian Armed Forces.
He is former Chief CW Inspector for nearly a decade with the ‘Organisation
for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)’, The Netherlands, and winner of the
Nobel Peace Prize 2013. He led teams of international professionals on a large
number of verification missions to various member countries, to verify the
inventory of Chemical Weapons and monitor their destruction. He logged many
hours operating in heavily contaminated environments at the CW Destruction
Facilities around the globe.
He is presently the Chief Consultant with ‘CBRNe Secure India’ a ‘forum’
for bringing in awareness in the general public, government and corporate
entities on the threats arising from the use of CBRNe material and their
disastrous consequences. He has been extensively speaking in various
international & domestic conferences on CBRNe and C-IED Issues.
Additionally, he contributes articles to many CBRNe and C IED related journals
world wide.